Squadgifts - Original learfield Directors Cup 7th Georgia Bulldogs shirt
Buy this shirt: https://squadgifts.com/product/original-learfield-directors-cup-7th-georgia-bulldogs-shirt/ The earliest known mention we have of Diagoras, for instance, is a brief allusion to him as an impious individual in the Original learfield Directors Cup 7th Georgia Bulldogs shirt and by the same token and comedy The Clouds, which was written by the comic playwright Aristophanes (lived c. 446 – c. 386 BC). Here is the place where Diagoras is mentioned, as rendered in this translation The view that Aristophanes attributes to Diagoras here is obviously intended as a parody. This conversation, therefore, hardly constitutes as serious evidence that Diagoras denied the existence of the gods. Even if this were not a parody, the view that Aristophanes attributes to Diagoras here is that the “Whirlwind” has driven out Zeus, not that Zeus does not exist at all. We cannot use this conversation from Aristophanes’s Clouds as evidence that Diagoras was an atheist in the Original ...